I’ve been under the weather the last few days, but even feeling poorly couldn’t prepare me for what might be the worst Halloween outfit ever, worn by none other than Lady Gaga.

At NJ.com, some butchers had advice if you want to wear a meat outfit:

Jersey butchers warn against wearing a Lady Gaga meat dress for Halloween

Here’s text that accompanied that video: Lady Gaga made waves wearing raw steak to the MTV Video Music Awards last month. Her dress, shoes and purse were all made with meat, as she served up her usual dose of shock appeal. Her fans are scouring Halloween stores for bloody red dresses but the carnivorous look debuted too late for manufacturers to create a costume. Some diehards are planning to wear real meat but New Jersey butchers caution against it. (Video by Lisa Rose / The Star-Ledger).

I have to confess that I have heard the name of Lady Gaga, but have no idea what she does musically. And I really don’t care. Sorry!

Instead, let’s watch The Muppets carve up pumpkins!

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