Online eduction is becoming a big thing. And why not? You can learn things according to your schedule, targeting your specific interests. You can even learn while riding the bus or Metro. It’s a perfect way to expand your horizons.

I’ve been a big fan of iTunes U, in which one can download for free all kinds of classes to listen to. One class I downloaded recently was about C.S. Lewis, one of my favorite writers. I learned a lot about his history and his theology, which was very helpful in my understanding of the man and his works.

Here’s a story about iTunes achieving a certain accomplishment, having 350,000 files anyone can  access:

>>A world of education.

Apple’s iTunes U is now home to more than 350,000 free lectures, videos, readings, and podcasts from learning institutions all over the world. Universities such as Yale, Stanford, UC Berkeley, Oxford, Cambridge, MIT, Beijing Open University and The University of Tokyo, museums including MoMa, and broadcasters such as PBS offer free content on iTunes U. Content ranges from lectures and presentations to audiobooks and course materials. Students can download content from iTunes U, then listen to it anywhere on a Mac, PC, or mobile device such as iPod, iPad, or iPhone.

Download knowledge.

Accessing iTunes U is simple. Just tap More in the iTunes app on iPhone or iPod touch, or tap the iTunes U icon on iPad. On a Mac, click iTunes U in the iTunes Store. From there you can browse and download content directly to whatever device you’re using. And since your students are probably familiar with iTunes already, it’s easy for them to find what they’re looking for on iTunes U. You can assign content from iTunes U just as you would articles and books. Students can download iTunes U audio and video offerings one at a time, or subscribe to entire courses and have new items download automatically as soon as they become available.<<

If you want to just try out a class, you can download only the first podcast/lecture. If you like what you hear, you can download the rest and learn.

Today’s video is the basic intro to iTunes U:


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