
I’ve heard of “Bible thumpers,” but this is ridiculous! Here’s the story from the UPI:

>>Woman accused of using Bible as a weapon

KINGS MOUNTAIN, N.C. (UPI) — Police in North Carolina said they arrested a woman whose alleged Bible-thumping left a woman with bruises and abrasions.

The arrest report said Evelyn Mills Moore, 57, of Kings Mountain struck the other woman “numerous times about her body with a closed fist and striking her with a Bible about her left arm,” the Gaston Gazette reported Tuesday.

The alleged victim was left with bruises and abrasions to her head, face and arms after the Saturday incident, police said.

Moore was charged with assault inflicting serious injury.

She was also charged with a second assault charge inflicting serious injury for allegedly attacking a man and causing abrasions on his head, face and arms.

Police did not reveal the reasons behind the alleged attacks.

Moore was jailed in lieu of $105,000 bond.<<

The term “Bible thumping” apparently has a bad connotation to some folks. Here’s an NBC report about a Christian program saying they don’t do that:

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